Home > Web And Technology > ETech 06 これからのWEB進化 - Tim O'Reilly 氏インタビュー

ETech 06 これからのWEB進化 - Tim O'Reilly 氏インタビュー

OpenSource 最先端のアイディアと技術に触れて刺激を受けよう、という事で ETech に参加すべく San Diego に来ています。 カンファレンスは明日からなのですが、www.thepodcastnetwork.com で配布されている、Uwen Spencer氏による主催者 Tim O'Reilly 氏および Rael Dornfest 氏のインタビュー PODCASTING を聞いた中で「ほー」と思った部分を引用しておきます。明日からはこんなテーマにおけるセッションがわんさか聞けるわけで、かなり楽しみにしています。

Etech 2006 Preview with Rael Dornfest and Tim O’Reilly - by Ewan Spence より引用


Tim: how do we harness users, and attention of users, the upstream.. this is in a broader context of not only with client's side, but from appliaction side is the strong power of filtering.

WEBの利用者、利用者の注目、提供され続ける情報... これらをどうやって束ねるか。クライアント側でのフィルタリングに留まらない、サーバアプリ側にて強い力が発揮されるであろう、広義の意味でのフィルタリングなんだよ。


Ewan: we still have a brain, and we still have a dump-beast, but it's just now One is organic, and one is sillicon, instead it's the other way around.


Tim: We're figuring out how to build people into our applications. What we're really starting to see is, technology is becoming so pervasive, it's changing the nature of relationship between humans and machines. It's now something we interact with it, not just telling orders.


Rael: Computer's scalability has grown way over our capacity (from 16bit to 64bit), the focus is, we're trying to find a way for us to help each other, help the machines by giving them hints to what it is that we like to get access to.


Tim: Think about in terms of industry revolution. Think about heavy equipment. farm worker profound shovel, human effort is the larger part of effectiveness, but a man with a bulldozer, bulldozer is the one doing most of the work.


Ewan: in the book "cybernetics", Entire class of people who are nolonger employable at any competitive way, and the book forcasted that the same thing will happen with the intellectual workers as well.


Tim: Everything will be artificial. bulldozer with no driver? we're trying to hook people into those jobs, so that neither can't do it alone. Together we can manage to do the job done.



Tim: not only about conciousness, it's still more about digital identity. another copy of your-self inside a pc box. if we were to keep / capture those life history, we could make recommendation more smarter.

Attention Economy: 意識的な注目を集められるかどうかよりも、自分を特定するデジタルな識別情報の確立が重要なんじゃないかな。PCの中にある、あなたの価値観や人生すべての複製。これら履歴情報を扱えるようになるとしたら、個人の趣向に合わせた情報マッチングの制度は飛躍的にあがると思う。

Tim: privacy on the internet - internet is exposing the problem that has been silent over the years (like credit card number), database all over the world is rediculous.

インターネットにおける個人情報の扱い - インターネットは現実社会での個人情報の扱い方における問題を強調露呈しているだけなのでは。

「電話しながらテレビを見る」の姿勢 - continuess partial attention

Tim: powerful concept. behavior we used to think was disfunctional (ADD) is the new normal. people who are good at multi tasking, they are born to make the changes with the web. human 2.0 - we are also changing.

これからのWEBにとって重要な態度。集中力欠如... 機能障害として扱われていたものがこれからの標準になる、みたいな(笑)マルチタスク作業が得意な人達こそが、これからのWEBを変えていくだろうね。human2.0 - 我々ヒトも進化しているという事。


Tim: whole idea of "finding the 1 right answer" has changed these days. we are in a world where there's so many options. google - gives you a approximate hunch. and that's good enough. our world is not just rights and wrongs. those depend on what most people think at that time. what matters is what people believe in. and web is like that too.



Ewan: you will be willing to pay more to recieve less information than the free service can give you. WISDOM OF CROWDS - idea that if you can build tools to collect/ harnessing the power of ten people (family/friends/same interets) all come together, you will be able to start seeing some of the wisdom out of their experience. connection of people's mind.

情報がこれだけ溢れた社会では、無料サービスよりも、より少ない情報を与えてくれるサービスに対して、より対価を払うようになるだろうね。集合知 - 家族や友達10人の意思や意見を束ねることで、彼らの体験からくる知恵をあなたが利用できるようになる - そんなアイディアだね。ヒトとヒトの意識を繋げよう。

次のユーザエクスピリエンス: web3.0

Tim: web3.0 - 3D immersive world. this year or next, we're start to see experiences taken from computer games. how can you make richer immersive experiences? next frontier of AJAX is gaming type of experiences on the web.

web3.0 は3Dの擬似世界体験になるのでは。今年か来年か、きっとPCゲーム業界から受け継いできたユーザ体験がWEBに導入され始めるだろうね。いかに詳細でリアルな体験ができるか?AJAXの次のフロンティアはそういったゲームタイプの体験なのでは。


ひのおか 2006-03-06 (月) 23:04


bashi 2006-03-06 (月) 23:55


curry 2006-03-07 (火) 11:41


bashi 2006-03-08 (水) 00:15

うわ curry さんお久しぶり。コメントありがとうー。

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