- 2010-06-08 (火)
- Web And Technology
去年に引き続き San Francisco にて開催されている Apple の WWDC 2010 に参加しています。いま初日の基調講演にて iPhone 4 の発表がされました。注目すべきポイントは
- 9.3mm 更に薄くなった新ボディ形状
- より高速処理&高レスポンス U/I が可能になった新 A4 chip (iPadと同様)
- 新高解像度ディスプレイ 940 x 640 pixels - Retina Display
- 表裏両面 500 万画素カメラ + Wi-Fi ビデオ電話機能 - FaceTime
- マルチタスク、グループアイコン等の新機能を搭載した新 iOS4
辺りです。この iPhone 4 の開発に着手したのは 18 ヶ月前だそうで、そうすると去年 WWDC 2009 で iPhone 3GS を基調講演で発表していた段階で、実は裏でもう iPhone 4 を作っていたという衝撃。綿密な商品戦略、プロジェクト統括&遂行力、企画力、ハードウェアエンジニアリング力、ソフトウェアエンジニアリング力、User Interface 設計力、コンテンツ業界を巻き込む営業力... すべてにおいて優秀&高いレベルで実現させているのが毎度ながら頭が下がる思いです。
今回の新 iPhone は、iPhone アプリの開発者としてよりも、圧倒的にイチユーザー視点での魅力を感じます。今の iPhone 利用体験が飛躍的にリッチになる辺りが。
以下、ラフながらも Steve Jobs 基調講演のメモ書き。
- 5000 peoople 8 days sold out.
- 10 countries -> 19 countries soon
- 35 mil ipad apps downloaded 17 apps per iPad
- iBooks
- first 65 days 5 mil books -> 2 1/2 per iPad
- 5/6 publishers on eBook, 22% share of total eBook sales
- updates - PDF reading ability
app store
- 225,000 apps
- 15,000 apps submitted per week (both new app/updates)
- 30 languages
- 95% aproved within 7 days
- top reject reason
- 1. doesn't function as advertised by developer
- 2. use of private APIs
- 3. the app crashes
- ebay app
- 10 million downloads
- $600 sale last year - 1.5 billion on 2010.
- NETFLIX - iPhone app for free, this summer
- zynga
- farm builder - farming for the iPhone
- 75 million active users
- Activision - guitar hero
- 5 billion downloads on App Store
- $1 billion paid to developers
- 150 million accounts with cread card
- iTunes store + iBooks store + iBooks store -> 15 billion downlaods
- market share
- nielson - 28% iPhone, RIM 35%, windows 19%, android 9%
- net applications - iPhone 58.2% mobile browser usage, 22.7% andriod
- 2007 relase, 2008 3G, 2009 3GS + video recording
iPhone 4 New Features
- 1. all new design
- 24% thinner - 9.3 mm
- thinnest smartphone
- front camera
- camera + LED flash
- mic, 30-pin, speaker
- headset, mic2 (for noise cancellation), sleep wake
- steel body as bluetooth, wi-fi, GPS integrated anntenas
- micro-SIM
- 2. retina display
- 326 pixels per inch (compared to 72 dpi)
- 300 is limit of human retina
- 3.5 inch display (same as 3GS)
- 960 x 640 pixels
- IPS technology, wide view angle
- existing apps look better (auto hi-res UI's and text's)
- 3. A4 chip
- power management -> more battery life
- up to 32GB of storage
- 802.11n WiFi
- GPS, accelorometer, GSP
- 4. gyroscope
- 3-axis gyro (angular velocity)
- pitch, roll, yaw
- rotation about gravity
- gyro + accelorometer provide 6-axis motion sensing
- New CoreMotion API
- perfect for gaming
- 5. new camera system
- 3 -> 5 megapixel camera (CMOS size is still same)
- backside illuminated sensor -> more hi-res (ISO)
- 5x digital zoom
- tap to focus (photo + video)
- LED flash
- HD video recording
- 720p at 30fps
- auto geo-location
- send online
- iMovie for iPhone ($4.99)
- 6. iOS 4
- multitasking
- folders
- retina display integration
- mail - unified inbox & threading
- enhanced camera & photo apps
- deeper enterprise support
- search engine - bing added
- golden master candidate today
- 7. iBooks
- iBooks for iPhone
- sync place, bookmarks and notes to multi device
- 8. iAds
- 60% of revenues to app developer.
- Selling iAds for 8 weeks: nissan, citi, unilever, at&t, chanelle, GE, Liberty Mutual state farm, geico, campbell, sears, jc penney, target, best by, direct tv, TBS (Very Funny), disney
- start at July 1, on iOS4 devices
- $60 million committed for 2H 2010 (for 8 weeks of selling)
- $250M for US mobile display advertising - JP morgan research
one more thing...
- FaceTime - video calling
- Wi-Fi only in 2010
- open standard to public
- in two colors
- price - $199 for 16GB, $299 32GB
- 2010 expire -> AT&T top up change service
- iPhone 3GS 8GB $99
- June 24th, in US, France, Germany, UK, Japan
- July -> 18 more countries
- end of septemer -> 88 countries
- dock $29
- bumper case in colors $29
iOS4 upgrades
- for 3GS, partial for 3G
- Free June 21 st
- Newer: YAPC Asia 2010 トーク: リクルートのPlack採用事例と、VMによるチーム開発環境構築
- Older: 2010.04.08 Apple iPhone OS4 イベント Steve Jobs キーノートのメモ書き